An outline planning proposal entitled 'Proposed Scoping Opinion for proposed logistics facility' has been submitted by Bidwells on behalf of Trinity College for the development on the Innocence Farm site. The PC received this on Sat 7th Jan, however were able to draft a response objecting to the proposal which was reviewed at the PC meeting 9th Jan. The PC response will be loaded on this page once complete. The planning application is viewable on the SCDC planning web site. Click to view Bidwells' Proposal Document.
The salient points detailed in Proposal document are:
1) Large scale logistics park occupying the entire extent of Innocence Farm, bounded by Kirton Rd, Innocence Lane, Croft Lane & A14. Bunds are proposed, to reduce the impact on nearby residents.
2) Up to 3,200 HGVs per day - initial access via A14/Croft Lane, with an underpass to be provided for westward traffic at an undisclosed future date
3) Up to 600 cars - access via A14/Kirton Road, via new roundabout before TSM School.
The closing date for comments is 26th Jan.
The PC objection will focus on: Unused existing brown-field sites in the Port area; Unjustified and unrealistic land demand profile; Traffic congestion and associated impact on the village community and associated establishments.
Please share this information with anyone likely to be affected.
Wanted to let everyone know that Bidwells have put in a planning application to build a logistics park Trimley St Martin / Kirton
The planning application is viewable on the SCDC planning web site (…)